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Fair play out of REACH? The EU’s approach to restricting ammunition
The European Ombudsman has recognised a case of maladministration by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regarding its inability to...

ECHA’s new regulatory development on lead: many losses, few advantages
Including lead in the REACH Authorisation list, as proposed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), would negatively impact many...

Near-total ban on lead ammunition: at what price for workers and companies?
If the near-total ban on the use of lead ammunition comes into force without a meaningful transition period, the socio-economic impact on...

1 in 4 hunters will stop hunting if near-total ban on lead ammunition becomes reality
If the ban on the use of lead ammunition becomes reality, one-off costs related to the modification and replacement of millions of...

ECHA Report on lead ammunition near-total ban: Starting off on the wrong foot once again
Only a few months have passed since the intensely-debated ban on the use of lead shot in European wetlands was adopted, and we’re already...

THE PARLIAMENT MAGAZINE: “The lead shot over wetlands proposal is unworkable”
The European Commission’s plans are a flagrant breach of fundamental rights and basic freedoms. MEPs therefore have a simple decision:...
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